Our apprenticeship offering
Hundreds of our colleagues are adding more strings to their bow through our award-winning Wolseley Talent Guild. We partner with multiple training providers to offer over 45 professional qualifications, otherwise known as internal apprenticeships, delivered over a minimum period of 12-months. These apprenticeships allow learners to boost their skills, increase their knowledge and develop behaviours in readiness for their next career step.
Completing an apprenticeship at Wolseley has never been easier, with the opportunity to opt into development every 6-months during our performance review period. We also have a number of apprenticeship vacancies where we are always looking to bring youth, fresh perspective and outstanding talent into our business.
Contact the recruitment team
We're always pleased to hear from talented people. So if you have any questions about the opportunities that we have available in our branch network, or if there's anything else you'd like to know before you apply (or indeed during the application process), please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Email us: wuk-talent.guild@wolseley.co.uk
Talent Guild success stories
Edite Sevele, Key Accounts Executive
Completed her Business Administration Level 3 qualification in October 2022.
“I strongly believe that my apprenticeship not only helped me with skills for my current role but I also learned a lot that will come in handy in my future endeavours. I am very grateful that Wolseley is giving an opportunity like this to their employees.”

Talent Guild success stories
Danielle Light, Branch Manager
Completed her Team Leader Level 3 qualification in October 2022.
“Now I have finished my apprenticeship, I look forward to furthering my career at Wolseley and applying for a management role. I feel the course has helped me to gain the experience and skills to enable me to be a successful manager. This course has also increased my confidence in approaching challenging situations which will help me in the future.”

Talent Guild success stories
John McLeod, Senior Showroom Manager
Completed his SVQ Level 4 qualification in Management in January 2022.
“The course is brilliant for personal development – it pushed me, gave me a greater insight, and made me focus more on business processes and development. As a result, I feel confident that my subject knowledge is really good now. Last year, we managed to break records in terms of sales and my next ambition is to continue my progress within the company.”

Talent Guild success stories
Bailey Dowson, Team Leader
Completed his Level 3 Team Leader course in February 2023.
“I was searching for apprenticeships on the Government website and Wolseley was definitely one of the more appealing companies I came across. The apprenticeship on offer was just what I was looking for. It covers all sorts like what motivates people, time management, personal development. It’s very theoretical but the modules are relevant to the day job and they give you all the tools you need to manage people and projects.”

Talent Guild success stories
Nikki Corbett, Sales Manager
Completed her Team Leading Level 3 qualification in October 2022.
“This qualification seemed like a great way to learn and develop alongside day-to-day role, and I am now able to explore ways to implement what I have learnt into everyday situations. I’m always looking ways to progress my career, so I will keep an eye open for opportunities within the business now that I am more qualified.”

Talent Guild success stories
Luke Wilson, Integration Services Manager
Completed his Team Leading Level 3 qualification in November 2022.
“The programme was an exciting, challenging and eye-opening experience. The resources, knowledge and theories that you learn as part of this apprenticeship are paramount in ensuring success for both new and existing managers. Opening my eyes to self-awareness and self-reflection were really important to me and I still use these techniques to this day."

Talent Guild success stories
Becky Petrie, Application Services Manager
Completed her Team Leader Level 3 qualification in August 2022.
"The course was really informative and covered a broad range of useful topics. It has given me the skills and confidence to think about how I could really make a difference and nurture our colleague's potential across our organisation, and since completing this apprenticeship I have gone on to successfully launch a Mentoring Programme across our IT and Digital Teams, with 23 relationships established across our departments."

Talent Guild success stories
Shere Hartley, Development Manager
Completed her Team Leader Level 3 qualification in November 2022.
“The Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor Apprenticeship is a great course that provides knowledge required and enables skills to be used and established across a variety of different leadership and management areas. It combines the skills of managing and developing people, teams and projects whilst working towards the organisational goals. It was useful is determining skills and knowledge that I already possessed whilst enabling new skills to be embedded and has given me the tools I need in a number of different and sometimes challenging situations.”

Talent Guild success stories
Kyle Robinson, Central Operations Coordinator
Completed his Business Administrator Level 3 in November 2022.
“I really enjoy a challenge and I’m always looking to learn new things. The Talent Guild provides a brilliant opportunity to get a qualification and to work towards that next step in my career. My previous qualification has also come in very handy within my current role, and it’s really helped me hone my approach to a lot of things. I’m hoping this one will be very much the same.”

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